Talk:Restless Souls/Reconstruction/Gapfilling
reorganization in progress (e.g. "Jamie" and "Where went all the details?" are misplaced here)
This section's goal is to create list of things that influence a sequel, which means to solve some question about plot gaps and what can be ignored because it is just a in-game thing made up for the player.
For example: Why has Muro transformed into a huge mutant when Konoko kills Griffin?
- We can say it is a gamplay element. Why killing Griffin if nothing changes afterwards?
- Or we create a plot-wise filler. It could be a hallucination from Konoko because the Daodan corrupt her mind when killing Griffin.
Griffin in a Syndicate helicopter?
Griffin and his two men (why not more?) arrived in the mountain complex by using a helicopter that looks like a Syndicate machine. Strange, isn't it?
- Maybe bungie hadn't enough time to create another heli type.
- Then again, you might think that they stealed this machine at BGI or a smaller Syndicate base to get into the mountain complex area with more ease. I'm thinking in direction NCW and ID-tagged vehicles.
Where went all the details?
Lost things:
- animated faces
- blood
- the Iron Demon (mech)
- multi-player
- a minor character (see LoseGame picture)
Changed things:
- SLD tankers were actually human wrestler
- Konoko was a cyborg and not a Daodan-Chrysalis host
Answers about:
The data files shows you that even levels got deleted (5, 7, 15, 16 and 17). ssg discovered a old mac version that explained some stuff. He also made this level overview.
About the families Kerr and Hasegawa
Anyone who want to make a poll about the forenames? My suggestion is "Momuto Hasegawa" and "Lorenz Kerr" (for no special reason).
- Lorenz and Jamie are brother and sister. When Jamie (Kerr) married Momuto she changed her name to Hasegawa.
- Momuto is now Lorenz' brothers-in-law.
- Now Muro is Lorenz' nephew, Konoko his niece, and he's their uncle.
Okay, why do we see here some of Lorraine's creations? I think "Janice" and Faerie are a possible inspiration for Jamie's character. And maybe Lorraine was allowed to give her the name. Remember: J is graceful and feminine. =P She likes word plays, heh? You can find these on her page: Welcome to The Rookery rookery: a colony of gregarious birds or animals... In the case here, instead of animals, it's pictures... =P The page's header shows a flying vehicle out of the anime "Nausicaä of the Valley of the winds". Its (file) name is "mehve(2.JPG)" and came from the German word "Möve". And Lorraine's homepage name is "mehve's aerie" so you can translate it as "seagull aerie". Now remind "rookery". =) | ||
I don't think I've drawn |
![]() | |
This is also one of the characters I've created. Although I plan on changing her name, she's been named Janice for about 10 years and I don't know if I'll ever change it. The picture was done in pencil as you can tell. I am still reluctant to put my orig characters up here (they're uninteresting to passersby, I think) but I just really liked her pose. Unlike Lyra, her youngest sister, J is graceful and feminine. =P |
Hasegawa kidnapped, Kerr escaped
How did Kerr get away with a Chrysalis prototype and Mai while Hasegawa were kidnapped? Do Kerr saw Syndicate's raid coming and didn't warn Hasegawa?
Here's a gap filler scenario:
- Both saw them coming and knew that the Syndicate wanted the Chrysalis. This was a problem because the prototypes were based on Mai's and Muro's code. -- 13_65_23 Kerr: They had been watching us very closely. When they figured out what the Chrysalis was they raided our lab. We'd only grown two prototypes, based on the genetic codes of you and your brother... (So the Syndicate could have knew the prototype's "reservation" as well.) To make sure that at least one would made it out they fled in different directions (both weared a protopype on their side). Hasegawa was caught. Kerr went to the kindergarten and took Mai with him. But the time wasn't enough to save Muro also. The Syndicate appeared at Muro's school at first... (This means that the kids aren't twins.)
Konoko's brain engram (chip) and the Sytropin
How did Konoko get implemented the brain chip? The consoles says that any surgery fail on her. On the other hand we don't know what happen when.
- So, maybe the implementation was done a little time after the Daodan's, or even before.
- Or they cooled her down (slowed the bloodstream, remember the idea of cryofreez), injected a bigger dose Syntropin and made it then.
Ironically Sytropin is a hormonal growth booster and wouldn't stop the chrysalis. I think they "chose" this name just by coincidence, grabbing a cool name...
What's the connection between Mai and Mukade?
11_39_05 Konoko: There is something familiar about him...I can't quite place it.
- This statement leaded to the thought that Mukade is/was Hasegawa.
- See: TNZ article
Other might want to explain the connection by the Daodan only. Here it goes:
- There's something like a Daodan "aura". You can see it when being over-powered or when using the cheat "chenille". That let you guess that it is a bio-electric field which concentrated Daodan particles. It's always there but not visible all the time. Now the theory is that Mai feels Mukade's field or his particles like pheromones or both.
- See also: (RS) Daodan Theory (still untranslated)
But there's still Hardy's concept. We (re-)discovered his statements after had created our own theories.
Posted By: chef
In Response To: Re: Quick question, somebody know this? (Mukade?) (Harry)
People with a Daodan Chrysalis inside them are "super predators" of sorts, so they are very aware of each other: imagine a tiger moving into another tiger's hunting grounds. Anybody who has ever been to the zoo can tell you that you always know when the tigers are about to make their entrance: tigers have a very distinctive odor that you can smell for miles.
Konoko's internal lines in that level were meant to show her own predatory response to the threat that Mukade presents. And when she ends up talking to Mukade he tries to get her to admit that she's feeling the "thrill of the hunt" and that the creature she is becoming likes to kill, but she denies it.
Still we all know how that level ends ;^>
: Hardy LeBel explained on this forum that he has a chrysalis too, so both Mukade and Konoko can sense each other.
: Mukade has a highly developed Chrysalis so he's very experienced in it.
: -Harry
The following notes focusing on the mentioned "thrill of hunt" (blood lust).
- Consoles, Superhuman During routine physical training Konoko experienced a drop in latency that precipitated a Daodan power spike.
Her strength, speed and endurance were temporarily improved to what can only be described as superhuman levels. [...] While boosted, she demonstrated an uncharacteristic aggressiveness that frightened her instructors. She was asked to stop working out so we could monitor her but she refused. [...] - Diary, chapter 3 Barabas! I can't believe it! I know his record...he's very strong. I know I'm not supposed to enjoy combat but this guy will be the first real challenge I've had.
- Diary, chapter 10 That ninja...why do I react to him this way? He feels familiar and I hate him for it. We're like animals whose territory is threatened. I know when I find him we'll be nothing but claws and fangs. The strangest part is that I'm looking forward to it.
Her blood lust got stronger, hadn't it? Now you can interpret that the blood lust set her into a state being able to imagine subconsciously how her enemy would react. Ironic is that she denied it by killing Mukade.
You have found a possible weakness in Muro's plan. If the Sturmanderung Pulse can be activated before all the orbital transmitters are aligned, some of the Atmospheric Conversion Centers will survive.
And what wound be a problem for a Striker about activating a second pulse while Muro fights Mai? She had better destroyed the last access console or the generators or the dish by using a SBG.
However, there are some more tricky questions.
- 0) What do "regional processors" mean, how many exist actually?
Is it only Japan with 417 ACC?
- 1) Is it really the STURMANDERUNG transmitter dish?
Why the blam it seems to suck air and release it ionized? Is it an Atmospheric Processor of a house-own little test ACC? You don't need such a big dish to reach some satellites, right? I mean it wouldn't be that easy taking action against the WCG. They would be advised to build a own little ACC at first which would allow their mad ideas to become deadly praxis. Then they could had copied the modified parts and infiltrated real ACCs.
- 2) How strong is the environmental pollution, how fast will spread out?
At least we can guess how strong it is by looking at the outro.
The poison will reach non-triggered ACC areas via the global air circulation. (Jet-Streams are around 400 km/h fast.)
- 3) "ssob" and "uwlb" are still unclear.
What could they stand for?
- ssob = Senior Scientist on Board (would refer to Hasegawa) / Ships and Subs Operations Board ?
- uwlb = universal weapon logistic base ?
The idea comes from a TCTF report about Syndicate's history: During that time of unrest they found that they needed a more centralized armed power base to maintain their operations [...]
Other possibilities for uwl(b):
- uwl - Urban Warfare Logistics
- uwl - Universal Worklist (SAP Enterprise Portal)
The interpretation goes as following:
- if "ssob" refer to Daodan's planing phase then "uwlb" is either the note that they are ready for Daodan (mass-)production
- or "uwlb" stand for the complation of a digital research of the Daodan (Why do they need a "megacomputer"? Not for weather forecasts, right?)
- 4) Why do they wrote "STURMANDERUNG mountain compound construction" two times? (Point six and ten.)
Maybe they have two mountain compounds? A production base ("uwlb" in Africa) and a commando base (in Japan).
- 5) Oh, and where went point four, eight, and twelve?
This reminds me somehow on "Donnie Darko". The author wrote a little book about time traveling but each second chapter was missing. Even more strange: There was a fan having that book on a convention but it was never printed. xD
What is this supposed to mean? Would WCG fight local Syndicate troops around the ACCs in panic so they can try to repair them? Wouldn't that be too late? If Muro would had blown up all ACCs (like Konoko did) then there would be no problem (no reason) in disarming the Syndicate there.
- 7) What is TITAN?
- TITAN – Tactical Internet Test and Analysis
- TITAN – Telabs Interactive Transport Adaptive Network
- TITAN – Tool for Introduction Scenarios and Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Access Network
- TITAN – Trust Information & Transaction Accounting Network