This is an overview of Oni's "character files" (the sub-hierarchy of an Oni Character Class)
ONCC Oni Character Class
- TXMP Texture Map (character's shadow)
- ONCV Oni Character Variant (probably obsolete)
- ONCP Oni Character Particle Array
- ONIA Oni Character Impact Array (possibly obsolete)
- TRBS Totoro Body Set
- TRCM Totoro Quaternion Body
- TRGA Tototo Quaternion Body Geometry Array
- M3GM Geometry (a bone's mesh data : 19 of those)
- PNTA 3D Point Array (a bone's polygons)
- VCRA 3D Vector Array (a bone's normals : 2 of those)
- TXCA Texture Coordinate Array (a bone's mapping coordinates)
- IDXA Index Array (a bone's materials : 2 of those)
- TRTA Tototo Quaternion Body Translation Array
- TRIA Tototo Quaternion Body Index Array
- TRMA Texture Map Array
- TXMP Texture Map (a bone's texture : 19 of those)
- CBPM Character Body Part Material
- CBPI Character Body Part Impacts
- Impt Impact Tree (empty, probably obsolete) (3*19=57 of those)
- TRAC Totoro Animation Collection
- TRAC Totoro Animation Collection (inherited TRAC, usually one)
- TRAM Totoro Animation Sequence (specific animations, either non or "many")
- TRSC Screen (Aiming) Collection
- TRAS Totoro Aiming Screen
- TRAM Totoro Animation Sequence