From OniGalore
Revision as of 01:53, 7 March 2025 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (a little more clarity on using the -tex option with -create:m3gm)
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M3GM : Geometry
XML modding tips
  • See HERE to start learning about XML modding.
  • See HERE if you are searching for information on how to handle object coordinates.
  • See HERE for some typical modding errors and their causes.

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General information

  • The XML on this page was tested with OniSplit v0.9.86.0, v0.9.94.0 and v0.9.95.0.
  • M3GM files can be both local (levelN) and global (level0).
    • Most global M3GMs are used by particles.
    • Most local M3GMs are the models used for doors or animated objects.

File structure

XML tag Content type Description
<M3GM id="..."> integer
<Points> link "#" + instance ID of PNTA.
XYZ and UV coordinates are stored in parallel (same number of entries in PNTA and TXCA).
<VertexNormals> link "#" + instance ID of VCRA.
The first VCRA stores the normals for every vertex (same entries as in PNTA and TXCA).
Vertex normals are used by Gouraud shading (directional lighting).
<FaceNormals> link "#" + instance ID of VCRA.
The second VCRA stores the normals for every face (groups are defined by the second IDXA).
Face normals are used for backface culling.
<TextureCoordinates> link "#" + instance ID of TXCA.
Vertex UVs.
<TriangleStrips> link "#" + instance ID of IDXA.
The first IDXA lists the triangles as strips. The IDs are the ones in PNTA and IDXA.
The start of a new strip is signaled by a high bit in the ID of its first vertex.
Strips are more optimal for rendering; they are generated when authoring an M3GM.
<FaceNormalIndices> link "#" + instance ID of IDXA.
The second IDXA groups the triangles into faces (oriented by the second VCRA).
<Texture> link TXMPname


XML tag Content type Description
<PNTA id="..."> integer Instance ID.
<BoundingBox> -
<Min> float x3
<Max> float x3
<BoundingSphere> -
<Center> float x3
<Radius> float
<Positions> - This is an int32 array for the <Vector3> tags.
<Vector3> float x3 X Y Z coordinate of the point.


XML tag Content type Description
<VCRA id="..."> integer Instance ID.
<Normals> - This is an int32 array for the <Vector3> tags.
<Vector3> float x3 X Y Z coordinate of the normal vector.


XML tag Content type Description
<TXCA id="..."> integer Instance ID.
<TexCoords> - This is an int32 array for the <Vector2> tags.
<Vector2> float x2 X Y coordinates.


XML tag Content type Description
<IDXA id="..."> integer Instance ID.
<Indices> - This is an int32 array for the <Int32> tags.
<Int32> int32
First IDXA
PNTA element ID (used to build triangles with the points of the PNTA instance)
Second IDXA
VCRA element ID (used to assign the normals to every triangle)


.oni to OBJ/DAE

onisplit -extract:obj output_folder input_folder/M3GMfile_name.oni
onisplit -extract:dae output_folder input_folder/M3GMfile_name.oni

Or you can simply use Vago.

.dat to .oni

onisplit -export:object_name output_folder input_folder/file_name.dat

The file prefix "M3GM" in object_name is optional.

This command's integration into Vago has been requested.


onisplit -create:m3gm output_folder -tex:TXMPfile_name input_folder/file_name.obj

The "-tex" argument is optional and it takes a TXMP .oni file as input. It is needed if there's no MTL file alongside the OBJ. If there is an MTL file, OniSplit will register its texture name in the M3GM as a TXMP link.

Or you can simply use Vago.

Note: This command was broken in OniSplit v0.9.86.0 and v0.9.94.0.