OBD talk:BINA/OBJC/CHAR: Difference between revisions

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m (<OSD> <Flags>: merged integer flag appears somewhere after onisplit v0.9.54.0)
Line 237: Line 237:
: NonCombatant (8)
: NonCombatant (8)
: CanSpawnMultiple (16) (needs WasSpawned)
: CanSpawnMultiple (16) (needs WasSpawned)
: WasSpwaned (32) (...)
: WasSpawned (32) (...)
: Unkillable (64) (character won't loss more life points if it reaches 1, same as BSL command "chr_unkillable")
: Unkillable (64) (character won't loss more life points if it reaches 1, same as BSL command "chr_unkillable")
: InfiniteAmmo (128) (Raiden: "You got enough ?" Snake points to his head. "Infinite ammo...")
: InfiniteAmmo (128) (Raiden: "You got enough ?" Snake points to his head. "Infinite ammo...")

Revision as of 23:05, 3 November 2012


Ok, I'm going to ask a few dumb questions

  • How are these teams treated: SecurityGuard, Switzerland, Who are there friends and enemies?
  • How is SyndicateAccessory different from Syndicate?
  • Is it possible to add BGI as another team?
  • Can the properties of a team be changed? ie: defining its friends and enemies

EdT 23:55, 30 August 2008 (CEST)

From what I remember, from testing with KvW:

Team 1: SecurityGaurd+TCTF+Konoko

Team 2: Syndicate+SyndicateAccessory

Team 3: RougeKonoko

Others: Neutral, Swiss

All 3 teams will fight against any other teams. I'm not sure on the "Others", you will have to test them out. As long as you don't have TCTF vs Syndicate vs Konoko vs BGI (4 way battling!), you should be fine. Even then, you may be able to get the Neutral or Swiss team to fight against the other 3, but I guaruntee nothing. I don't know any way to add or change teams, short of engine hacking.

Gumby 04:52, 31 August 2008 (CEST)

Here's the pseudocode of the function that decides who is friend/enemey. Friend/Foe have the obvious meaning and PotentialFoe means that the AI will act as a foe only if it is attacked.

 FriendOrFoe AI2rTeam_FriendOrFoe(Team t1, Team t2)
   if (LastManStanding)
       return Foe;
   else if (t1 = t2) or (t1 = Switzerland) or (t2 = Switzerland)
       return Friend;
   else if (t1 = Konoko)
       if (t2 = TCTF)
           return Friend;
       else if (t1 = Syndicate)
           return Foe;
           return PotentialFoe;
   else if (t1 = TCTF)
       if (t2 = Konoko)
           return Friend;
       else if (t2 = Syndicate) or (t2 = RogueKonoko)
           return Foe;
           return PotentialFoe;
   else if (t1 = Syndicate)
       if (t2 = SyndicateAccessory)
           return Friend;
           return Foe;
   else if (t1 = Neutral)
       return PotentialFoe;
   else if (t1 = SecurityGuard)
       if (t2 = Syndicate) or (t2 = RogueKonoko)
           return Foe;
           return PotentialFoe;
   else if (t1 = RogueKonoko)
       if (t2 = Syndicate) or (t2 = TCTF)
           return Foe;
           return PotentialFoe;
   else if (t1 = SyndicateAccessory)
       if (t2 = Syndicate)
           return Friend;
           return PotentialFoe;


So, the difference between Switzerland and Neutral is that Switzerland will not attack you even if you attack them, but Neutral will retaliate. --Iritscen 15:08, 31 August 2008 (CEST)

O_o I guess the SecurityGaurds aren't neccessarily aligned with anyone...interesting.

Gumby 16:39, 31 August 2008 (CEST)

So which team should BGI be assigned? EdT

RougeKonoko or Neutral in the beginning, depending on how you want the interactions to be, but for the later levels, I'm not quite sure. It depends on who is in the level and the situation. Maybe SecurityGuard. (Actually, that would probably work)

Gumby 18:39, 31 August 2008 (CEST)



The xml code on this page is based on onisplit v0.9.61.0

general information

  • BINACJBOCharacter.oni is level specific. (It can be found in edition/GameDataFolder/levelXX_... )
  • An alternative is AISA.
  • All original characters can be seen HERE. (The lists include used ONCC, character's BSL name, health, team and BSL function.)

XML structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

[...] means at least one character. Paste all character data into there (this includes <CHAR Id="..."> and </CHAR> tag).


       <CHAR Id="3860">
               <Position>-543.22 159 -630.0954</Position>
               <Rotation>0 180 0</Rotation>

XML tag content type description
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> string There's no reason to change this.
<Oni> -
<Objects> -
<CHAR Id="3860"> integer Id doesn't matter.
<Header> -
<Flags> - unknown; usually empty
<Position> float x3 character is spawned at this xyz-position
<Rotation> float x3 character is spawned with this xyz-rotation, only y is useful
<OSD> -
<Flags> flag determines some special properties
IsPlayer (1) (if you have two of them then delete one and spawn the other one at same time, if not made simultaneously camera glitch can appear)
RandomCostume (2) (flag belongs to ONCV)
NotInitiallyPresent (4)
NonCombatant (8)
CanSpawnMultiple (16) (needs WasSpawned)
WasSpawned (32) (...)
Unkillable (64) (character won't loss more life points if it reaches 1, same as BSL command "chr_unkillable")
InfiniteAmmo (128) (Raiden: "You got enough ?" Snake points to his head. "Infinite ammo...")
Omniscient (256) (?; tested ideas: doesn't unlock moves for player)
HasLSI (512) (this character drops an level specific item like truck keys in level 19)
Boss (1024) (used for boss mode fights. makes the AI ignore this character unless there is nobody else around)
UpgradeDifficulty (2048) (spawns a stronger enemy if you play on medium or hard)
NoAutoDrop (4096) (doesn't drop "used" shield, "used" invisibility and LSI when killed)

After onisplit v0.9.54.0, merged integer flags can appear.

Let's say you encounter a 6180, then it's actually 4096 + 2048 + 32 + 4.

<Class> link ONCC file name without file pre- and suffix. Character can change appearance with "chr_set_class".
<Name> string used by BSL commands
<Weapon> link ONWC file name without file pre- and suffix. The character is spawned with that weapon.

Original weapon classes:

w1_tap (TCTF pistol)
w2_sap (Syndicate uzi)
w3_phr (plasma rifle)
w4_psm (phase stream projector)
w5_sbg (super ball gun)
w6_vdg (shocker)
w7_scc (scram cannon (mini-rockets))
w8_mbo (mercury bow)
w9_scr (screamer gun)
w10_sni (Mukade's firework)
w11_ba1 (Barabas' gun)
w12_ba2 (-)
<Scripts> string BSL function
<Spawn> (called when character is spawned)
<Die> (called when character dies (health reaches 0); can work multiple times)
<Combat> (called when character notices an enemy; works only once)
<Alarm> (called when character is alarmed)
<Hurt> (called when character is hurt for the first time; works only once)
<Defeated> (called when character is "defeated" (health reaches 1); works only once)
<OutOfAmmo> (called when character runs out of ammo (reloads a weapon with the last clip/cell); works only once, and the character must have the ammo at spawn-time)
<NoPath> (should be called when a character has trouble pathfinding, but isn't)
<AdditionalHealth> integer main health is stored in ONCC, "additional health" will be added to that main health; also negative value possible here (which would then reduce main health)
<Job> -
<Type> flag
Guard (never used in Oni)
Teambattle (never used in Oni)
Combat (not tested)
Melee (not tested)
Alarm (not tested)
Neutral (not tested)
Panic (not tested)
<PatrolPathId> integer
<Behaviors> - specified by IDs linking to melee, combat and neutral profile collection file
<CombatId> flag
0 (Stand_and_Fire)
1 (Murder)
2 (Shoot_And_Fight)
3 (Take_my_Big_Black_Stuff)
4 (Assault)
5 (Civilian)
6 (Pursuit)
7 (Group_battle)
8 (Watchman)
9 (Barabbas_TCTF)
11 (SuperNinja)
12 (Griffin)
13 (Mutant_Muro)
14 (Alarm Guard)
15 (Non-Combatant)
16 (Griffin_Final)
207 (Sniper)
208 (Sniper For Joe)
17 (Average_striker; new profile for AE)
<MeleeId> flag here are all melee IDs sorted by ID
<NeutralId> flag ... (no overview so far)
<Inventory> -
<Ammo> integer
<Use> (Player becomes spawned with ammo clips, here you set the amount.)
<Drop> (AI drop these items when defeated.)
<EnergyCell> integer
<Hypo> integer
<Drop> (AI cannot use hypos.)
<Shield> integer
<Invisibility> integer
<Team> flag
Switzlerland (is melee-immune)
<AmmoPercentage> integer ammo in weapon, percent value: 0 - 100, overload not tested
<Alert> - HERE you get some helpful information on how to use "Alert" and "Pursuit".
<Initial> flag initial alert level, see <Alert> for all flags
<Minimal> flag minimal alert level, see <Alert> for all flags
<JobStarting> flag alert level when starting a job, see <Alert> for all flags
<Investigating> flag alert level when investigating, see <Alert> for all flags
<AlarmGroups> integer It's a bitset32 converted to int32. If Ns bit = TRUE then a bot gets highest alert level by a console command ai2_tripalarm(N)
VAR = 2^N1 + 2^N2 + 2^N3 etc.
<Pursuit> -
<StrongUnseen> flag usually Look, see <Pursuit> for all flags
<WeakUnseen> flag usually Forget, see <Pursuit> for all flags
<StrongSeen> flag usually Look, see <Pursuit> for all flags
<WeakSeen> flag usually Look, see <Pursuit> for all flags
<Lost> flag usually ReturnToJob