Page history
5 March 2025
selectively made some more galleries three-wide
added a new screenshot of AoP, courtesy of Alex Okita; organized this level's section a little more; changed some two-column image galleries to three-column to use screen space more efficiently
placed each cut weapon under its own subsection; added screenshot to multi-rocket launcher's section even though it is already under the "Cut levels" section, because it's pretty informative
28 October 2024
19 December 2023
12 December 2023
added a bunch more RSB images from our storehouse
added a couple more nighttime Vago shots
removed underscores from rest of image names for consistency
added in the rest of the Compound pics we have
moved the bulk of the BGI text to BGI where it belongs
addressed the blob in this picture
11 December 2023
mystery solved! this *is* Pit, and that structure behind them is not a stairway to an entrance, it's stacked wood! don't ask me how I solved this, it's classified information
added more info and quotes about the gaps in the level numbering and made the Obsolete=Compound connection more explicit
layout and a little wording touch-up
a little more elaboration on the images from the show floor trailer, plus a link to blow-by-blow forum post
10 December 2023
moved "2000 demo level" to Arena of Pain since the walkways match so closely; adjusted various AoP layouts
moved enigma 5 to The Pit section (thanks to Mai X for the tip)
4 December 2023
hasn't anyone pointed this out before? seems obvious
used cropped version of enigma 5 instead; mentioned the over-the-shoulder variant that it depicts
→Cut weapons: clarification
20 November 2023
10 April 2023
added staircase comparison under Rooftops
added section for Combat Training, added front gate comparison under Vago section
20 December 2022
10 December 2022
20 November 2022
24 October 2022
→Regional State Building: organizing discussion of these images better, noting a discrepancy in the supposed plasma rifle impact
→Obsolete, etc.: more verbiage about the gaps in the numbering and level19 being level7 at one time
link fixes
→Arena of Pain: broke out the part about the writing on the wall and added 3 new stills of it from the trailer
2 July 2022
1 July 2022
→Arena of Pain: big little discovery, since this confirms the name of the level
→Cut animated textures: what the heck, let's add the other two; as if this page isn't large enough already, right?
10 May 2022
removing rest of references to "BBB" Oni
→Names of these levels: not calling it the BBB anymore
21 February 2022
13 February 2022
9 December 2021
29 November 2021
25 July 2021
5 May 2021
5 April 2021
3 February 2021
17 December 2020
→Video footage: how about instead of three overlapping groups of links, we try to consolidate a bit?
→Regional State Building: revised description, after more discussion
→Cut animated textures: adding link to NEWSGUY
→Regional State Building: clarifying wording on four show-floor trailer stills, after watching the video version closely
13 May 2020
moving pictures around and dropping some notes
moved a picture from Vago to Musashi where it belongs; semi-hid a semi-redundant Vago picture