
From OniGalore
Revision as of 15:43, 6 April 2012 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (page looks awful with section-editing links, wish they showed up in previews)
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Oni.png OniPara.png OniOrthoMetaPara.png
"How long is 'a few cycles'?" "Not long..." "It figures."


OniParaY.png OniOrthoParaG.png
OniMetaParaR.png OniOrthoMetaParaGold.png OniOrthoC.png
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Here's a seven-logo cycle. Enjoy.

By Geyser


Truth Number Zero


By Seventeen Seconds and Guido

Wasteland Flowers

An epilogue.

By Paradox

Restless Souls

A sequel.

By Iritscen

Slaves of War

Another sequel.


A start at writing some prequel/flashback material.

By The Community


A Storyline for Oni 2

A summary of a community discussion on the forum.

Joint Story

A story written collaboratively by a few members of the community forum.


Anniversary Edition

Older incarnations:
Oni ni Kanabo
Binary Improvement Project

Konoko Payne

Kick-ass proof-of-concept for a fan-built engine.

Serious Konoko

A proof-of-concept for a fan-built game (shooter with melee elements and other nicicles) powered by Serious Engine 2/3.
