OniGalore:Current events

From OniGalore
Revision as of 17:21, 7 November 2006 by Geyser (talk | contribs) (little big oops)

This should become a reasonably up-to-date "TODO" list for the whole wiki.

If you want something done, but can't find the time to do it yourself, outline it here.

If you don't know what to do, and have a lot of time to spare, you can pick from here.

Main namespace


They're mostly complete (the English ones). Could do with some fancy editing/templating/subpaging, though.

For instance, making every console into a subpage of Quotes/Consoles would make it easier to transclude them in e.g. Character or Chapter pages.

Perhaps various translations should be compared with the English somehow, to get a sort of "international" overview.

If you have the time to contribute complete collections of quotes in German/French/Italian/Russian/whatever, you're welcome.

Otherwise, don't bother ripping/uploading a translation if it doesn't diverge significantly from the English version.


A few of them haven't been touched at all :

Others need expansion :


Entities that haven't been touched :



Ideally, Chapters should hold a concise overview of Oni's plot, with as little overstatement as possible.

Subpages of Chapters should hold overviews of every chapter. Also without overstatement, but in more detail.

Consoles, dialogues, cutscene descriptions. Screenshots should be uploaded and thumbnailed. Splashcreens can be included full-size.

A sorta walkthrough, without the technical tips to gamers. Just the material.

Lost Chapters

Erm... well, they don't exist yet, that's the whole problem. They're episodes either complementary or alternative to the Chapters.

Whatever goes on in between two official chapters can be elaborated on. Whatever might have happened differently - same thing.


Progress tracking

I'll try and make a TODO table showing whether a file format is 100% understood or not, whether the layout needs improving or not, etc.

Header and footer templates

The following are meant to provide a nice-looking navigation interface for the OBD database. They also make it easy to change to a new header/footer format all at once, on all the pages.

Table templates

The current table header (Template:OBDtable) provides for a nice enough layout (IMO), and it makes the markup a lot lighter.

But it's a bit ugly markup-wise. And "some people" don't like the fancy twin border. ^^

I'll make a new table header (Template:OBD Table) that's closer to how other MediaWiki folks template their tables. There will be no twin border.

Should look something like : {| align=center valign=top width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 style="background:#FFEEDD;"

Headers and table-closing tag will be left at the editor's responsibility ^^

Once it's there, obviously the existing tables will have to be slowly ported to the new layout. Same boring routine as with the headers and footers.


They're tedious to add, but they're generally more helpful than the color map when actually viewing/editing a file.

They will be less and less useful as we provide thorough OUP struct defs for people to view the binaries with.

(hm, maybe we should complete the struct defs with color maps, to ^^)

Offsets are defined with respect to the start-of-file unless mentioned otherwise (usually for a good reason).

Hex editor screenshots

I don't think uploading them on the wiki is a good idea.

Anyone dedicated enough to provide new ones (ssg, Loser, myself) either already have an oni2.net account or will get one.

Since the images are not supposed to be thumbnailed or "galleried" by the wiki's engine, external images suffice amply.

Anyone can edit the page featuring the image and set the URL to point to anything at all he likes.



The Oni 2 namespace is intended for brainstorming relative to Oni sequels, prequels, epilogues and what not.

If you have an idea you seriously think it would be cool to have in an Oni sequel, here's where you can share it.

The actual think tank that is likely to react/recombine/coordinate is a few hyperdedicated members of the community.

We hog other people's ideas, contaminate them and alienate them.

(sorta like what the Daodan does to Konoko)

But we do it because we care, and so it's probably not too bad.

"Don't be shy" ^^


Stub influences are :

Underdeveloped influences are :

Non-developed influences are :