Oni (folder)/GameDataFolder/IGMD

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Revision as of 23:53, 23 November 2009 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (+cat)

IGMD is a subfolder of GameDataFolder, where the level logic is defined, chapter by chapter. If the contents of this folder are missing or corrupt, nothing interesting will ever happen :-) If you think your folder has been corrupted, download a .zip file of the unmodified files for your platform: Windows, Mac OS.

Notes on this folder

  • The scripts in the subfolders of IGMD are files with the .bsl extension, written in BungieFrameWork Script Language. See BSL for more information.
  • The level folder names are case-insensitive for Oni, so you can rename "EnvWarehouse" to "eNvwArEhOuSe" and you'll still be able to play CHAPTER 01 . TRIAL RUN.
  • The Mac and PC scripts are almost identical, but there are minor differences in tctf_ii_cutscene.bsl and tctf2.bsl (boss battle of CHAPTER 13 . PHOENIX RISING): possibly an attempted bug fix.
  • More generally, the Mac (and PC demo) version has fewer dev-and-debug features (a somewhat more finished product, perhaps...) but the missing BSL functionality prevents it from running some advanced scripts that Windows Oni can run. One problem is that the "global" folder is ignored, another is that a lot of preset commands are missing. This has been fixed to some extent through engine patching, see HERE.

Folder Chapter Location (as in Load Game dialog)
global loads for all Chapters (Windows retail only)
TCTF Training
Syndicate Warehouse
manplant 2: ENGINES OF EVIL Manufacturing Plant
lab 3: PUZZLE PIECES Bio-Research Lab
Airport 4: TIGER BY THE TAIL Airport Assault
Airport_III 5: HOT PURSUIT Airport Cargo Hangars
power 7: A FRIEND IN NEED Atmospheric Conversion Center (exterior)
power_II 8: AN INNOCENT LIFE Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior)
state 9: TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES Regional State Building
roof 10: CAT AND MOUSE Rooftops
dream_lab 11: DREAM DIVER Doctor Hasegawa's Lab
neuro 12: SINS OF THE FATHER TCTF Science Prison
tctf_ii 13: PHOENIX RISING TCTF Regional HQ (redux)
compound 14: DAWN OF THE CHRYSALIS Syndicate Mountain Compound