OBD:TRAM: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
m (forgot to add the offset for the extent part)
mNo edit summary
Line 179: Line 179:
{{OBDtr| 0x181 | uint8    |FF22FF| 1C          | 28          | last "invulnerable" frame }}
{{OBDtr| 0x181 | uint8    |FF22FF| 1C          | 28          | last "invulnerable" frame }}
{{OBDtr| 0x182 | uint8    |808080| 02          | 2          | amount of elements in the attack part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x182 | uint8    |808080| 02          | 2          | amount of elements in the attack part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x183 | uint8    |808080| 01         | 1           | amount of elements in the take damage part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x183 | uint8    |808080| 00         | 0           | amount of elements in the take damage part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x184 | uint8    |FFAA82| 01          | 1          | amount of elements in the motion blur part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x184 | uint8    |FFAA82| 01          | 1          | amount of elements in the motion blur part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x185 | uint8    |FFAA82| 01          | 1          | amount of elements in the shortcut part }}
{{OBDtr| 0x185 | uint8    |FFAA82| 01          | 1          | amount of elements in the shortcut part }}

Revision as of 04:56, 15 December 2007

TRAC << Other file types >> TRAS
TRAM : Totoro Animation Sequence
switch to XML:TRAM page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Tram all.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x000 res_id 01 49 07 00 1532 01865-KONCOMpunch_heavy.TRAM
0x004 lev_id 01 00 00 00 0 level 0
0x008 int32 00 00 00 00 0 unknown; always zero
0x00C offset A0 B4 80 00 00 80 B4 A0 at this position starts the y-position part (heights) of the pelvis in the raw file
0x010 offset E0 B5 80 00 00 80 B5 E0 at this position starts the x-z-position part of the pelvis in the raw file
0x014 offset 60 B8 80 00 00 80 B8 60 at this position starts the attack part in the raw file
0x018 offset 00 00 00 00 unused at this position starts the damage part in the raw file; only tgt throws use it (tgt = target)
0x1C offset A0 B8 80 00 00 80 B8 A0 at this position starts the motion blur part in the raw file
0x20 offset C0 B8 80 00 00 80 B8 C0 at this position starts the shortcut part in the raw file
0x24 offset 00 00 00 00 unused at this position starts the throw part in the raw file
0x28 offset E0 B8 80 00 00 80 B8 E0 at this position starts the footstep part in the raw file
0x2C offset 00 B9 80 00 00 80 B9 00 at this position starts the particle part (trails, dust, etc.) in the raw file
0x30 offset 60 B9 80 00 00 80 B9 60 at this position starts the position part in the raw file
0x34 offset 00 BD 80 00 00 80 BD 00 at this position starts the bodyparts animation part in the raw file
0x38 offset 00 00 00 00 unused at this position starts the sound part in the raw file
0x3C bitset32 90 00 08 00 144, 0, 8, 0 flags; they're stored in the anim_flags.StNA file; the following bits are possible /values in hex):

0x01000000 - private1 (this bit is not animation related, it is used at runtime to mark that the animation was loaded)
0x02000000 - invulnerable
0x04000000 - blockHigh
0x08000000 - blockLow
0x10000000 - attack
0x20000000 - dropWeapon
0x40000000 - inAir
0x80000000 - atomic
0x00010000 - noTurn
0x00020000 - attackForward
0x00040000 - attackLeft
0x00080000 - attackRight
0x00100000 - attackBackward
0x00200000 - overlay
0x00400000 - dontInterpolateVelocity
0x00800000 - throwSource
0x00000100 - throwTarget
0x00000200 - realWorld
0x00000400 - doAim
0x00000800 - dontAim
0x00001000 - canPickup
0x00002000 - aim360
0x00004000 - disableShield
0x00008000 - noAIPickup

0x040 link 00 00 00 00 unused direct animation 0 (link to another TRAM file)
0x044 link 00 00 00 00 unused direct animation 1 (link to another TRAM file)
Example to the both rows above:

01855-KONCOMcomb_p_p.TRAM links to:

01856-KONCOMcomb_p_p_p.TRAM (direct animation 0)

01857-KONCOMcomb_p_p_k.TRAM (direct animation 1)

That means, that after Konokos second punch, Oni waits for a third punch or a kick.

0x048 bitset32 00 00 00 00 0 used parts; legend is for original 19-bone chars; the following bist are possible (values in hex):

0x01000000 - pelvis
0x02000000 - left thigh
0x04000000 - left calf
0x08000000 - left foot
0x10000000 - right thigh
0x20000000 - right calf
0x40000000 - right foot
0x80000000 - mid
0x00010000 - chest
0x00020000 - neck
0x00040000 - head
0x00080000 - left shoulder
0x00100000 - left arm
0x00200000 - left wrist
0x00400000 - left fist
0x00800000 - right shoulder
0x00000100 - right arm
0x00000200 - right wrist
0x00000400 - right fist

Aiming screen TRAMs "use" several bones here. Other overlay TRAMs use only "chest". Non-overlay TRAMs use none.

0x04C bitset32 00 00 00 00 0 replaced parts; same legend as above; only overlay TRAMs other than aiming-screen ones "replace" parts.
0x050 float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 final rotation in radians (for anims that make you turn)
0x054 int16 01 00 1 move direction; the following directions are possible:

0 - nothing
1 - forward
2 - backward
3 - left
4 - right

0x056 int16 06 00 6 attack sound ("Rising fury!"); the number belongs to the sound slot in the ONCC file
0x058 float 8D 87 CF 41 25.941187 maximum "danger"
0x05C float DE E9 1A 40 2.420524 "danger" min range (in world units)
0x060 float 95 34 D3 41 26.400675 "danger" max range (in world units)
0x064 float 8D 87 CF 41 25.941187 "danger" at 0° (front)
... ... ... ... ...
0x088 float DF 37 87 40 4.225570 "danger" at 90° (left)
... ... ... ... ...
0x0AC float 5A D8 6D 40 3.716330 "danger" at 180° (back)
... ... ... ... ...
0x0D0 float 98 95 E3 40 7.112011 "danger" at 270° (right)
... ... ... ... ...
0x0F0 float 8D 87 CF 41 25.941187 "danger" at 350°
0x0F4 int16 05 00 5 unknown; indicator for the seven floats below; always -1 if the attack part doesn't exist
0x0F6 int8 00 0 unknown; always zero
0x0F7 int8 00 0 unknown; always zero
0x0F8 float 00 00 00 BF -0.500000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x0FC float 1E 85 6B BF -0.920000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x100 float 19 47 0C 41 8.767358 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x104 float EB 51 F0 40 7.510000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x108 float D7 A3 14 41 9.290000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x10C float 0A D7 3B 41 11.740000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x110 float 5E 93 BF 40 5.986739 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x114 int16 2F 00 47 unknown; indicator for the two bytes and seven floats below; always -1 if the attack part doesn't exist or the attack part exists and it's a tgt animation (tgt = target)
0x116 int8 01 1 unknown
0x117 int8 16 22 unknown
0x118 float 85 EB 51 BF -1.850000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x11C float E1 7A 7C C1 -3.900000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x120 float 69 61 BF 40 16.874636 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x124 float 70 3D 22 41 10.510000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x128 float 47 E1 3A 40 8.860000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x12C float 33 33 DB 40 18.460000 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x130 float F7 C0 2E 3E 0.055320 unknown; always zero if the indicator is -1
0x134 int32 00 00 00 00 0 unknown; always zero
0x138 int32 18 00 00 00 24 amount of elements of the extent part; only used if the attack part exists
0x13C offset E0 BB 80 00 00 80 BB E0 at this position starts the extent part in the raw file; only used if the attack part exists
0x140 char[16] konflash1 impact particle name (reference to 01018-.ONIA, which is called up in the ONCC file)
0x150 int16 00 00 0 hard pause in 1/60 seconds
0x152 int16 12 00 18 soft pause in 1/60 seconds
0x154 int32 00 00 00 00 0 amount of packages of the sound part
0x158 int32 00 00 00 00 0 unkown; always zero, used at runtime
0x15C int16 00 00 0 unkown; always zero, used at runtime
0x15E int16 3C 00 60 frames per second
0x160 int16 06 00 6 compression size
0x162 int16 16 00 22 type; id for the animation of the opponent; animation type from anim_types.StNA
0x164 int16 16 00 6 aiming type; id for the animation of the opponent; animation type from anim_types.StNA
0x166 int16 00 00 0 from state
0x168 int16 07 00 7 to state
0x16A int16 13 00 19 bodyparts
0x16C int16 50 00 80 frames
0x16E int16 50 00 80 duration in in 1/60 seconds
0x170 bitset16 00 02 0, 2 varient, the following bits are possible:

0x0001 - SPRint animation
0x0002 - COMbat animation
0x0008 - PIStol animation
0x0010 - NINja PIStol animation (left-handed)
0x0020 - RIFle animation
0x0040 - NINja RIFle animation (left-handed)
0x0080 - PANic or SCRamble animation

0x172 char[2] AD DE dead varient end; unused
0x174 uint16 00 00 0 atomic start
0x176 uint16 FF FF 65536 atomic end
0x178 uint16 00 00 0 end interpolation
0x17A uint16 FF FF 65536 maximal interpolation
0x17C int16 FF FF -1 action frame
0x17E int16 0A 00 10 first level
0x180 uint8 01 1 first "invulnerable" frame
0x181 uint8 1C 28 last "invulnerable" frame
0x182 uint8 02 2 amount of elements in the attack part
0x183 uint8 00 0 amount of elements in the take damage part
0x184 uint8 01 1 amount of elements in the motion blur part
0x185 uint8 01 1 amount of elements in the shortcut part
0x186 uint8 02 2 amount of elements in the footstep part
0x187 uint8 04 4 amount of elements in the particle part
0x188 char[24] AD DE dead unused

Direct links
0x40 and 0x44 : how exactly do they work?
Apparently, the punch/kick triggering has nothing to do with the field where the link is placed.
Those anims are just "made available" (bypassing lookups), and the rest is handled "somehow"...
(according to animtype of available anim and key pressed, maybe with some kind of transition)
geyser 06:28, 24 March 2007 (CET)
0x58-0xF3 - danger zone
Second and third floats seem to be ranges (moderate enough to be in regular world units).
Last 36 are amounts/probabilities of damage in 36 equal sectors around the character.
(often much too large to be ranges in world units)
First float (at 0x58) looks like a normalisation constant: danger amount/normalisation = probability.
If you're in one of the 36 angular sectors within the min and max ranges,
dividing the danger amount by the normalisation gives you the probability of being hit.
"Probably" ^^
geyser 06:28, 24 March 2007 (CET)
0xF4-0x113 and 0x114-0x133
similar to each other? not quite...
exception for "thrown" anims = friend/foe distinction?
maybe check IDs against MELE stuff...
geyser 06:28, 24 March 2007 (CET)
Rather old notes to self...
0x164 is usually the same as 0x162 (type) except for :
  • KONRIFrun_slide_getup, KONRIFrun_slide_run
  • KONPISstartle_lt1, KONPISstartle_rt1
  • KONRIFstartle_lt1, KONRIFstartle_rt1
  • STRRIFrun_slide_getup, STRIKElev3_startle
  • STRPISstartle_lt1, STRPISstartle_rt1
  • STRRIFstartle_lt1, STRRIFstartle_rt1
  • STRPISstartle_lt2, STRPISstartle_rt2
  • STRRIFstartle_lt2, STRRIFstartle_rt2
  • COMPISstartle_lt1, KONPISstartle_rt1
  • COMRIFstartle_lt1, KONRIFstartle_rt1
  • COMPISstartle_lt2, COMPISstartle_rt2
  • COMRIFstartle_lt2, COMRIFstartle_rt2
(for all these, 0x164 is null : "None")

TRAC << Other file types >> TRAS
TRAM : Totoro Animation Sequence
Character file