OniGalore talk:General disclaimer
Please suggest more wild stuff here...
- Oni-related (or at least slightly original) ill side effects
- Frogblasting the ventcore
- combating the Deadly Brain
- going Rogue
- kinslaying
- Daodan symbiosis
- Daodan overpower
- Surprising Fury
- Ecstatic Fist
- Unclear Tackle
- Striker Spam
- Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
- excessive moderation
- awesome graphics
- lousy plot
- consistency
- inconsistency...
- speeling errors
- using words like "convene" in everyday conversations improperly
- STFUn00bing
- programs that only work for 10 days and 5 minutes
- One Minute Oni
- happy mascots
- internet memes
- Sytropin overdoses
- haikus
- furious gunplay
- brutal unarmed combat
- dark future
- uncertain past
- modems on fire
- multiplayer
- sideburns
- Easter eggs
- crates
- categories
- spitting out the demons
- Feeling good
- going deeper underground
- change in the air
- sightings of Mercury Bow shots in the early morning sky
- severe injuries indirectly caused by falling into acid
- black-eyed teeth
- voice acting
- li_center_cursor=0
- nothing special
- Reflection mapping
- Xenotron
- [[|Seven|seven years of bad luck]]
- flatline zombies
- scope creep
- procrastination
- bugs
- glitches
- hacks
- The One
- sysop wars
- English nitpicking
- pointlessness
- getting beat by a girl
- Blam!ing
- bad hair days
- (lack of) PARticle collision
- unsticking
- long nights
- uncontrollable lucidity
- HAPéMASK wearing
- ninja battling
- ray casting
- face culling
- memhacking
- civilian abuse
- doppleganger nightmares
- Dance Troupes
- infinite loops
- memory allocation
- going back...to the future
- Behold!
- An army of me
- Kidnapping by ninja
- 42/6
- Wordiness
- Edit Wars
- Zombie Attacks
- Killer Plants
- Big Greedy Industries
- Horrible punning
- Captialization confusion
- And inverse relation between the amount of time spent on Oni and the amount of daily social interaction
- Getting in over your head
- Responsibility Shirking
- Systematically Mucking About
- Randomness that doesn't fit under "ill side effects"
- "I'll Finnish/Swedish/Danish you!"
- "Don't f##king start me! - I'll finish you!"