XML:File types

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See Modding Oni for an introduction to modding.
See XML for an introduction to XML modding.

The XML namespace is devoted to explaining Oni's data types, originally documented in a technical byte-by-byte manner at OBD, according to the more user-friendly format they appear in when exported by OniSplit as XML. Following is an overview of each data type's function, and whether it has XML documentation available.

Documentation status:

Aqua Dot-Green.png : available
Aqua Dot-Yellow.png : incomplete
Aqua Dot-Red.png : not available, but that doesn't mean you cannot mod the file type


Tag Name Docs File Location
BINA/ONIE Aqua Dot-Yellow.png Oni Impact Effects

BINAEINOimpact_effects.oni yes A list of all impact effects which can happen in the game. That includes weapon particles, hand-to-hand combat, and footsteps. The impact effect is selected according the type of impact (Impt) and the material (Mtrl) which is hit.
BINA/PAR3 Aqua Dot-Yellow.png Particle class

A list of types of particles which can be spawned in the game, used by weapons to deal damage, for lighting effects, etc. A specific instance of a PAR3 class is a PART.
BINA/SABD Aqua Dot-Yellow.png Sound Animation Binary Data

A list of the sounds to be played for each animation type, according to the character variant (ONCV) and the type of animation (TRAM) that they are playing.
BINA/TMBD Aqua Dot-Yellow.png Texture Materials Binary Data

A list of the material (Mtrl) for each texture map (TXMP). Used by ONIE.


Tag Name Docs File Location
BINA/OBJC/CHAR Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes List of characters in a specific level, containing their position, script function names, weapon, ammunition, items, team, combat, melee ID, etc.
BINA/OBJC/CMBT Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes List of combat profiles for global use, containing conditions that govern the AI's melee, weapon combat, and retreat behavior, based on factors like distance and the enemy's reactions.
BINA/OBJC/CONS Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of consoles in a specific level, containing their position, script name (ID), screen images, and script function names. Consoles are used to open doors, trigger alarms, or provide information.
BINA/OBJC/DOOR Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of doors in a specific level, containing their conditions for when a door opens (e.g., is the action key required?), and what events are triggered by a character who opens the door.
BINA/OBJC/FLAG Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of flags in a specific level, containing their position. Flags are used by level scripts and patrol paths.
BINA/OBJC/FURN Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of pieces of furniture in a specific level. This file type can be used to import level objects.
BINA/OBJC/MELE Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes List of melee profiles for global use. A melee profile contains a simple program that determines how the AI uses its combat moves.
BINA/OBJC/NEUT Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of neutral character behaviors in a specific level. Every character has a melee, combat and neutral behavior ID. It determines whether a non-player character (NPC) talks to you and whether they give you a power-up.
BINA/OBJC/PART Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of particles in a specific level, containing their position, script name and scaling.
BINA/OBJC/PATR Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of patrol paths in a specific level, containing an ID which is used by CHAR and the scripting command "ai2_dopath".
BINA/OBJC/PWRU Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of power-ups (items, e.g. hypo sprays) in a specific level which are spawned at level load, containing their position.
BINA/OBJC/SNDG Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of sound groups in a specific level. Sound groups are the invisible spheres which contain ambient sounds. If you come near a machine and you hear a sound, that's because of SNDG.
BINA/OBJC/TRGV Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of trigger volumes in a specific level. They are invisible areas which trigger functions in a script.
BINA/OBJC/TRIG Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of laser triggers in a specific level. There are several forms of triggers, and they can trigger not only turrets (TURR), but also script functions in the level.
BINA/OBJC/TURR Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of turrets in a specific level. Note that their pods are part of the level geometry. Spawn one manually and it might be located somewhere in the air. Determines their head's position, the weapon inside the turret head, and the team ID to target.
BINA/OBJC/WEAP Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes List of weapons in a specific level, determining their spawn location at level load.


Tag Name Docs File Location
AISA Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This file type was probably in the process of being replaced by BINA/CJBO/CHAR when Oni shipped, but AISA is still used for a few cutscene characters.
AKEV Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes It's the 3D level model. The AKEV exports as a Collada (.dae) file, meant to be edited in a 3D modeler like Mod Tool.
CONS Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes Console class.
DOOR Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes Door class.
DPge Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Diary page.
FILM Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes A record of a character's movements, created by a developer recording his gameplay and played back in cutscenes to make an AI perform complex actions. During playback, AIs have no AI. ^_^
HPge Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Help page.
IGHH Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes In-game HUD; your health bar, compass, etc.
Impt Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This file is used to build up the hierarchy of impacts. See BINA/ONIE for more information.
IPge Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Item page. If you have created a new item, you can describe it here.
M3GM Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Some of these 3D objects are used by OBANs and PAR3s.
Mtrl Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This file is used to build up the hierarchy of materials. See BINA/ONIE for more information.
OBAN Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Yes, used by objects but also for moving characters and cutscene cameras.
OFGA Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Used to import objects with no functions. (Door, consoles, etc. get imported by their object collections. See ONLV for more information.)
ONCC Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes Here a type of character (Konoko, Strikers, etc.) is assigned their weapon skill, behavior ID, vision radius, jumping height, sounds, 3D model (TRBS), animation collection (TRAC), textures (TRMA), and much more.
The XML file contains also the character's body part material (CBPM), body part impacts (CBPI), and particles for animations (ONCP and ONIA).)
ONCV Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes 1) It's used to create a pool of characters from which an AI can be randomly spawned, in order to create a natural variance in appearance. A flag in a CHAR determines which ONCV the character falls under. 2) It can be also used to upgrade characters on the Hard difficulty level, also determined by a flag in the CHAR.)
ONGS Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes There you can modify the game's health bar, hypo spray strength, game difficulty, autoprompts (text messages when picking up a new kind of item), etc.
ONLD Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes The level name on the Load Game screen.
ONLV Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Holds among other things: the name of the BSL folder with the scripts for this level, and links to the AKEV, ONSK, and AISA.
ONSK Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes It's essentially a box of textures that sits on the level, so you will need five images for the top, north, east, south and west. The bottom has no image.
ONVL Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes It's used to randomize characters' appearances.
ONWC Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Describes the primary and secondary fire mode and more, and links to PAR3, a 3D model, and textures (TXMP).
OPge Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This is the source of the text that appears in the Objective tab of the Pause screen.
OSBD Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes They determine how sounds (SNDD) get played.
PSpc Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Oni can decorate a page (OPge, TxtC, maybe others) with images from one source. PSpc specifies the coordinates of these parts.
PSpL Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Part specification list.
PSUI Aqua Dot-Red.png

yes Part Specifications UI (User Interface).
StNA Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes StNA files are obsolete. However, on its page you'll find collections of flags used by TRAM.
SUBT Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This is just here for informational purposes, because SUBTs are not extracted as to .xml files, but rather to .txt.
TRAC Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Totoro Animation collection. Used to build a hierarchy of moves (TRAM) which form a weighted moveset, based on which parent TRAC(s) a character's TRAC inherits from.
TRAM Aqua Dot-Yellow.png

yes You can create new animations with Mod Tool. But for setting Oni-specific flags, links to particles, and so on, you need to edit the XML file afterwards, or create a precursor XML beforehand.
TRAS Aqua Dot-Red.png

yes Used for make characters aim with weapons.
TRBS Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Totoro Body Set, in other words the 3D model of a character. Character classes (ONCC) link to TRBS. The 3D data itself will be exported/imported as Collada (.dae) files.
TRGE Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This file type holds the 3D model for a laser trigger and its coordinates. Used by TRIG.
TRIG Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes (Laser) Trigger class.
TRMA Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Texture Map Array. Every body part of a character is covered by a texture. This file type holds the links to those textures.
TRSC Aqua Dot-Red.png

yes Used for make characters aim with weapons.
TXMB Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes A series of concatenated TXMPs, used for creating splash screens, like the Main Menu background and level intro/win/loss screens.
TXMP Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Well, this type covers all images in Oni (except the ones larger than 256x256, which are TXMB).
TxtC Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Text (Console).
WMCL Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Mouse pointer(s).
WMDD Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes It shapes pages like TxtC and WPge. However, new button functions would require engine modding.
WMM Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes Window Manager Menu.
WPge Aqua Dot-Green.png

yes This is the source for the text and images that appear in the Weapons tab of the pause screen.